Icon 'Saint Nicholas'
Painting / Icon painting
author | nevidomyj/a |
material | oil / fabric |
techniques | oil |
collection | painting / folk painting / folk picture |
registration number | КН-9310 |
country | Ukraine |
region | Sumy Oblast |
area | Romny Raion |
United Territorial Community | Роменська міська громада |
settlement | Romny |
time | unknown |
country | Ukraine |
region | Sumy Oblast |
area | Romny Raion |
United Territorial Community | Роменська міська громада |
settlement | Romny |
time | unknown |
country | Ukraine |
region | Sumy Oblast |
area | Romny Raion |
United Territorial Community | Роменська міська громада |
settlement | Romny |
time | unknown |
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